In some cases, I need to have Active Directory Group Policy Preferences to handle pnagent shortcuts. To create a shortcut you need to adhere to the following command line format:
[local path to pnagent.exe file] /Qlaunch "[farm name defined on the services site]:[published application name]"
Please note, the farm name is not the same farm name as defined in XenApp. The farm name is what is defined in the Web Interface Services Site. Also, the farm name and published application name is case sensitive.
For example:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\ICA Client\pnagent.exe" /QLaunch "XenApp:Notepad" You can also use the above format in deploying shortcuts via Active Directory Group Policy. To do this:
Open the group policy management console.
Open an existing group policy or create a new one.
Navigate to: User Configuration | Preferences | Windows Settings | Shortcuts.
Create a new shortcut with the following parameters (parameters not listed below means it is up to you to decide what you want) - Target type: File System Object, Target path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\ICA Client\pnagent.exe, Arguments: /QLaunch "[farm name defined on the services site]:[published application name], Icon file path: [make sure the location of the icon file is accessible by all clients].
You can then set item-level targeting to target only those that are assigned the published resource.