Hello world,
Currently, I am a senior consultant at an IT consulting/managed service company in the greater Los Angeles area. I currently serve as a technical lead, architect, and top-level support for Citrix and cloud technologies. I have been working with Citrix and Microsoft products since before the dot-com bubble burst, creating private clouds before the cloud was a term. I sound old, but I prefer the descriptor experienced. Of course, there are other technologies that I architect, implement and support, but who wants to read a long boring list let alone write one. Give me a challenge, and I'll face it head-on, sure throw in impossible deadlines.
In my spare time, you will find me canyoneering, hiking, and backpacking. Basically, anything that presents a challenge outside, I'm there. As the years go by, and my scalp gets more visible (the Internet tells me this is testosterone so the Internet is calling me manly, I'll take it), my passion for learning just gets stronger. Feel free to contact me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Have a great rest of the day and never stop learning,
Chris Keim
P.S. All views and opinions are of my own and are not the views and opinions of my current and past employers.